Attention Employers!
Our EAP can help you to:
- Reduce absences
- Increase staff morale
- Improve staff retention
- Attract high calibre staff
A recent CIPD survey reveals that stress-related absence has increased in nearly two-fifths of organisations. Heavy workloads remain the most common cause but an increased proportion blame management style.
Nearly three-fifths of organisations have seen an increase in the number of reported common mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, among employees.
Overall, three-quarters of survey respondents report benefits from health and well-being activity (i.e. EAP’s), most noticeably better morale and engagement, a healthier and more inclusive culture, and lower sickness absence!
Our Employee Assistance Programmes are specifically geared towards the needs of employers and employees just like you!
In addition to 1:1 Complementary Therapies, our Health and Wellness sessions will provide your employees with tools and techniques; such as mindfulness, breathing and visualisation, to use at home. This also includes self massage to help with issues such as stress, anxiety, depression and pain.
It’s time to get pro active about the well being of your Employees – You will be glad that you did!
Contact our EAP Team at Calm and Centred Today!